Showing category "Improv in Life" (Show all posts)

Balancing Improv and School

Posted by Ben Swoboda on Monday, November 3, 2014, In : Improv in Life 
 If you are reading this, you are wondering whether a school/improv balance can be done. You might be asking whether one will interfere with the other. I'm sorry if you have every had to make the decision to weigh one versus the other. Some would argue that improv is the perfect remedy to the stress and structure of schoolwork. But that's not why you are reading this, is it? It's come down to time. You only have so much and you are trying to "do the right thing" and make a mature decision.

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Down with PowerPoint! Up with Improv!

Posted by Ben Swoboda on Monday, March 17, 2014, In : Improv in Life 

This is a great article describing how businesses, military, and scientists are all starting to bail on PowerPoint-style presentations in favor of a more engaging, interactive, style. What is interesting is the value of improvisational skills required by the "new" approach.

My favorite excerpt:

  • Andrew Askew, an assistant professor of physics at Florida State University... admits the presentations[without PowerPoint] are now considerably longer.... It's also been harder to find speakers, because...

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More in the Improv Mind

Posted by Ben Swoboda on Friday, March 29, 2013, In : Improv in Life 
Great article, but again it takes a leap to get it back from musical improv to theatrical improv. One day, some grad student is going to call me and say, "We want to study the mind of an improvisor." That will be a great day,

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Your Mind On Improv

Posted by Ben Swoboda on Monday, January 23, 2012, In : Improv in Life 
I found this fascinating, considering what we do. This neurologist studied the differences between of memorized rap and jazz versus improvised versions. The scientist admits that is all preliminary research, but watch it anyway and see if you think you can make some logical leaps to theatrical improv.

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MIT Brings Improv to the MBA Classroom

Posted by Ben Swoboda on Sunday, January 2, 2011, In : Improv in Life 

MIT Brings Improv to the MBA Classroom

Posted by: Alison Damast on December 14, 2010

A group of MBA students at MIT’s Sloan School of Management tossed aside their briefcases and book bags this month to flex their creative muscles, doing everything from playing an imaginary game of soccer to inventing office conflicts. The second-year MBA students were participating in a leadership class called “Improvisational Leadership: In the Moment Leadership Skills,” accordi...

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Comedy + Imagination + Sports = Quiddich World Cup

Posted by Ben Swoboda on Sunday, November 14, 2010, In : Improv in Life 
I read this and found it interesting that the announcers for the matches are improv comedians.

Quidditch World Cup Flies Into NY

It makes you grateful that someone saw the value of having an improv comedian here.
Also, it makes you wonder about real-world (although, arguably "real-world" might be stretching it here) applications of improv outside of theatrical improv.

These performers are being asked to step into a situation where they have no script, no background, think on their feet and be fun...
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