Don’t Give Up on Paris Hilton

“Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit.”

When Conrad Hilton spoke those words, he probably did not imagine that his great-great granddaughter Paris would one day become a celebulante, renowned for her mistakes. But let’s put all the dross from her history aside. What has she been able to accomplish with her status and money by 2011?

·          TV show
·         Appeared in over 27 movies
·         Founded a record label
·         Released a self-titled album
·         Authored two books

How much easier would it be for her just to lounge in a dark room or poolside instead of doing something. She has a lot to hide from: scandal, resentment, flashbulbs, etc.
At any given moment, you could be a Paris Hilton.

Improv is powerful because of the chance for disaster. When the acrobat performs without a net, you feel the energy. So, your show could get really rough. Then you WILL find yourself dead-center in the spotlight, and you’ll have a decision to make: rally or run. You’ll be a Paris Hilton.  Never give up.
Giving up can look like:

  • Throwing your partner under the bus in a mad scramble to get offstage. “I think I hear the phone in the other room!”
  • Going for an easy laugh: Poop. Sex. Banana-peel. It gets really sad when we performers get desperate.
  •  Walking offstage.
  • Eliminating yourself from a game before the Host can.
Trust that sticking it out builds the scene back up, builds good habits, teaches you that nothing worth doing ever came easily. Sometimes we need to dig into our mistakes – especially the big ones – to enrich our scenes and lives. Big picture: when you die, do you want the Big Guy to pat you on the back and say, “Well Done, thou Good and Faithful Servant” or “Well… nice to see you?”

So don’t give up on your scenes, yourself, or Paris. She’s got many years ahead of her and many mistakes to learn from. If she listens to her great-grandfather, she may actually fill his shoes and more.