This is the last of the series created from a brief survey sent to experienced improvisers. The goal is to provide tips for newcomers to improv, so they can get different perspectives. Although there is a lot of info here, it's all valuable. My suggestion: just focus on something from the list that resonates with you. Otherwise, it can be overwhelming.

What advice do you want to share about getting comfortable and "up to speed" with performing?

Improv is like walking a tight rope with a net below you. Your scene partners are the net. If you watch performers at Cirque Du Soleil, when they fall they bounce off that net and do a cool flip in a way that almost makes you wonder if they meant to fall in the first place. Bounce off your scene partners and make bold mistakes.

Watch tons of shows, as many as possible. Immerse yourself in the performances. Don't just observe, break down what you're seeing and think about it. Why is it funny? Why did that work? What are the common elements in good scenes and the same for bad. Ask lots of questions from veterans and teachers but keep in mind that there are no 100% rules in improv, every piece of advice is just a guideline for how to shape your art. Practice practice practice.

Fake it 'till you make it. Only repetition and time can take you where you want to go. In the meantime, fake any confidence you may lack and the real stuff will grow in. Be as nice and genuine as you possibly can. They are the only two skill sets that really matter in improv.

Just relax. Everyone learns at their own pace and if you don't get it at first, you will eventually. Improv is natural. It's what we do every day. Performing is a little different and a little more involved, but getting comfortable with the stage, no matter how long it takes, is very well worth it.

Practice, ask as many questions as you need to, and go to a place that teaches you about the C.O.R.E. of Improv.

Don't worry about how good someone else is. Your skills are exactly where they are suppose to be at this time. If you keep improvising, and are willing to keep learning and receiving feedback, you will get more comfortable and catch up to speed.

Comfort comes with doing. Watch as many shows as possible. You learn as much from bad shows, as you do from good ones. Never assume you know more than anyone, or your way is better. Del Close was a drug addict, and Charna makes money off of name dropping. Everything you need, is already inside of you. Your teacher's job is to help you find it, not show how.

If you have to ask, you're not ready yet.

There is no set speed. If you're worried about being "up to speed," you're already thinking too much.

Practice as much as you can. Spend time around the people you play with outside if rehearsals and shows. Trust your fellow players. They're pn your side, because they want to do well, too, and part of that depends on you.

Be patient with yourself. Focus on the craft instead of your performance. One of the most interesting, sometimes thrilling, sometimes frustrating things about improv is that everyone learns at different rates. They seem to follow patterns. Everyone has spikes where they suddenly jump to the next level and everyone has “plateaus” where they don’t feel like they are improving. The secret is, everyone hits plateaus and spikes at different times and the only thing you can do is stay dedicated and be patient with yourself. Don't give up when you reach a plateau and don't rest on your laurels when you get to a spike. Enjoy the ride, but keep putting in the time and dedication.