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New Improviser Survey, 2 of 3

Posted by Ben Swoboda on Friday, August 1, 2014,
The second and third sections resulting from the survey are entirely comprised of comments. No data here. Just delicious thoughts. Happy reading!

Question: What advice do you want to share about joining a new team?

- "Yes, and" everything. Try leading for a bit, then try following. Take note of when it works best for you to follow and lead. You'll find you have specific unique connections with each player, and it shouldn't take long before you develop a groove with those people. Work in that an...

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Your Mind On Improv

Posted by Ben Swoboda on Monday, January 23, 2012, In : Improv in Life 
I found this fascinating, considering what we do. This neurologist studied the differences between of memorized rap and jazz versus improvised versions. The scientist admits that is all preliminary research, but watch it anyway and see if you think you can make some logical leaps to theatrical improv.

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