Showing Tag: "theory" (Show all posts)

Improv as a Sport and the OODA Loop

Posted by Ben Swoboda on Tuesday, January 25, 2011, In : Performance tips 
A friend of mine, Matt, is a fan of all things interesting. He brought this to my attention. It's a theory adopted by military fighter pilots.


O = Observe
O = Orient
D = Decide
A = Act

The loop goes in that order, but always repeats for the person engaged in conflict. Here's the massive quote: "An entity (whether an individual or an organization) that can process this cycle quickly, observing and reacting to unfolding events more rapidly than an opponent, can thereby "get inside" the op...
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When Only Your Friends Laugh

Posted by Ben Swoboda on Friday, December 17, 2010, In : Performance tips 
"Imagine you are a child standing on a sidewalk, watching your parents in a parade. They are walking along, handing out treats. You are very excited to see your heroes come closer and your heart pounds as you anticipate the chance to nab one of the candies that comes from them. But withing a few feet, you are shocked to see they only give candy to specific people. In fact, they are ignore many of the parade watchers, and they only give candy to specific adults - people who trade knowing winks...
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